Maurizio – Omnologos

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Archive for the ‘IT’ Category

Novel System for Improved IT Support Efficiency

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A novel IT Support Call Handling Scheme guaranteed to improve efficiency:

  1. Having received a support call or e-mail, do nothing about it
  2. If there is no further contact —> the issue is solved
  3. If the user calls again, pretend you care. Keep doing nothing about it
  4. If there is no further contact —> the issue is solved
  5. If the user calls again, provide assurance the problem is being looked at. Once again, do nothing about it
  6. If there is no further contact —> the issue is solved 
  7. If the user calls again, repeat from step 5
  8. If the user acts unreasonably and calls your boss, look busy and go to step 5
  9. At this point, the issue is either solved, or an absolute emergency
  10. In the latter case, start dealing with it

The above is based on the established fact that most of the time issues solve themselves, because the user gives up, moves to another job, or finds a way around the problem out of frustration.

As the end result is that everybody in IT support works on emergencies all of the time, their jobs will be safe for the foreseeable future, and users will just be grateful whenever any issue is actually solved.

Is that “maximum efficiency” or what?

Written by omnologos

2008/Aug/19 at 07:14:46

Posted in Business, Humor, IT, Software

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Indianification – Part 2

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Ennu Munde, IT punters india inda bartare..!

Hogi Barthene!

Godhicharmahuduga Durgajana

Written by omnologos

2007/Nov/21 at 20:35:13

Posted in India, IT

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Indianification – Part 1

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Mumdalli, raayruglu IT-ina bhaarata kade

Hogi Barthene!

Gomaalanasu Durgadesha

Written by omnologos

2007/Oct/25 at 21:04:18

Posted in India, IT, Outsourcing