Maurizio – Omnologos

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Something’s Awaiting Brother the President

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A quick list at all the “good” prospects lining up for the next US President to deal with.

It reminds one of a comment that came out when the movie “Deep Impact” got released: the one time a black guy was running the country, it was the end of the world or something pretty close to it…

1) Iraq

2) Iran

3) China

4) Russia

5) Possibly, $4 trillion of additional deficit

6) Suprime lending crisis

7) Some say, the start of the Very Great US depression

8) Dubya moving freely around the world with not much to do (well, not much of a change there, really…)

Written by omnologos

2008/Feb/23 at 19:39:30

Posted in USA, USA 2008

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